West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute
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Research Scientist


PhD, Veterinary Epidemiology, The Ohio State University
DVM, The Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
BS, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, West Virginia University

Diane Gross, DVM, PhD, is an epidemiologist with more than 20 years of experience working in public health in local, national, and international settings. Dr. Gross serves as a Research Scientist at the West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute. Since joining Health Affairs, she has focused on assisting partner hospitals with their Community Health Needs Assessments and providing technical assistance to the state and local health departments through the CDC Public Health Infrastructure Grant. In previous projects, she assisted in the Assessment of Medicaid Beneficiaries’ Barriers and Facilitators to Utilization of Dental Benefits and the Assessment of West Virginia Homeless Population. Her areas of expertise include working for Health Affairs on programs of public impact, health data analytics, program evaluation, teaching and technical assistance, and survey research.  Her work focuses on population health and public health services, workforce development, and Medicaid services.   

Prior to her work at Health Affairs, Dr. Gross was the Director of Practice-based Education and Service Learning and an associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at WVU School of Public Health. She has also worked to prevent and control infectious diseases of public health importance as well as establishing and conducting surveillance, teaching, and performing research in the United States as well as in more than 50 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Dr. Gross served as the Regional Epidemiologist at the Monongalia County Health Department in West Virginia and as senior epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention International Influenza Program and the High Threat Pathogen Programme at the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.