West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute
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Mindfulness-based resilience training for frontline workers and first responders

MBRT may be especially helpful for frontline health workers and law enforcement personnel, particularly those in rural areas.

In the Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) for West Virginia Frontline Health Workers and Law Enforcement Personnel, our team identified a need to address work-related trauma experienced by police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. To combat the avoidant coping strategies often used to deal with the stress these positions incur, we tested a mindfulness-based intervention for first responders offered in a compressed, residential immersion format, with a goal of developing a workforce that can reinforce and sustain mindfulness skills after the project ends.

Our Goal

Link community mindfulness with the specific concerns of the first responder community

Capabilities Applied

Our Results

  • Participants reported significant improvements in emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, occupational stress, and fatigue.
  • Further trends approaching statistical significance regarding perceived stress, anger, and mindfulness.

As this training effort demonstrates, Health Affairs is dedicated to tackling a community’s trends and challenges with proficiency and respect. We develop custom training curricula using evidence-based practices, state-of-the-art technologies, and proven strategies that engage community leaders and policymakers.